Following these steps, you will be able to modify a user's Team, Workspace, and Permissions, among others:

1. First, go to the "Users" section of the Admin.

2. Click on the pencil button of the user to edit it. Then, a drawer will open.

3. Here you can change all the properties of the user. Once that's done, click on the "Save" button.

First name: The name of the user.

Last name: The surname of the user.

Email: User's email.

Permission: Here, we offer three options:

  • Basic: The user will only have access to the apps and groups pre-assigned to his team and workspace.
  • Intermediate: They have the team's pre-assigned workspace, but also have the ability to add their own groups and apps.
  • Full: The user doesn't have a pre-assigned team nor a workspace. They can manage their workplace by adding groups and apps freely.

Admin: Determines if the recipient of the invite will have access to the Admin.

Support: Determines if the "Support" section of Rambox will be shown in the user's desktop app.